


Rimestad, Lene (forthcoming): Socialisation at the morning meeting. A study of how journalist interns are socialised to present ideas at morning meetings in the newsroom. Applied Media and Journalism Studies,

Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L. (forthcoming): "'Is this a good news story?' Developing professional practice in the newsroom". I: Hovden & Nygren (Eds.): Making journalists through journalism education: Nordic perspectives. Nordicom Review.


Rimestad, Lene: Encouraging and inhibiting idea development at morning meetings in the newsroom. PhD.-thesis. Centre for Journalism, The Department of Political Science and Public Management, University of Southern Denmark. Supervised by Erik Albæk, Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard and Johannes Wagner.

Rimestad, Lene: Focusing on deadlines. How orientation to time is a constitutive normative constraint at meetings in media organizations. Time & Society, vol. 24, no. 2, 183-20

Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L:

Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L: "Hvilken type praktikantvejldere er du?" Kommunikationsforum.


Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L.: Journalist i praktik. Samfundslitteratur.

Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L.: Socialising journalism trainees in the newsroom: On how to capture the intangible parts of the socialising process. Nordicom Review. 35, s. 81-97

Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L.: ”Observationsstudier”.  I: Hoppmann, D. & Skovsgaard, M. (red.): Forskningsmetoder i journalistik og politisk kommunikation. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Rimestad, L. og Gravengaard, G.: ”Interview”. I: Hoppmann, D. & Skovsgaard, M. (red.): Forskningsmetoder i journalistik og politisk kommunikation. Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Vliegenhart, R., Rimestad, L. & Blom, J. N. "Computerstøttet indholdsanalyse", I: Forskningsmetoder i journalistik og politisk kommunikation. Skovsgaard, M. & Hopmann, D. N. (red.). Hans Reitzel, Kap. 10, s. 203-222 19 s.

Gravengard, G. & Rimestad, L.: "Har du talt med din praktikant i dag?" Journalisten.


Gravengaard, G. & Rimestad, L.: Elimination of Ideas and Professional Socialisation: Lessons learned at newsroom meetings. Journalism Practice. 6, 4, s. 465-481


Rimestad, L.: Klummen som politisk barometer. Journalistica. Tidsskrift for forskning i journalistik. 1, s. 67-854


Rimestad, L.: Du har 1 minut og 11 sekunder. I: Et løfte til journalistikken. Troels, M. & Peter, B. (red.). 1 udg. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, s. 171-185 14 s.

As a researcher my aim has not been to become a professor, but to contribute to improving journalism and educating more skilled journalists.

How do journalist trainees make the most of their internship? That is the content of this book.

"Forskningsmetoder i journalistik og politisk kommunikation" is a collection of relevant methods for journalists. I have contributed to the chapters about interview, observation and software for analysing qualitative data.